@#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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@#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

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  • #16
    Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

    Originally posted by LETZRIDE View Post
    would be hard to feel safe around there...sucks to hear...figure that even if you did call the cops man, the likely hood of them making it there in time to do something is probably slim to non...and that is if you called them when you first heard that noise...its funny how you couldn't go right back to sleep though and had to get up a few times...almost like an erie presence of you know something is wrong...
    That's the CREEPY part. There was a strong dual inside of me when this was happening.

    But you know if I knew this was happening and with the knowledge that there were kids down there I would have gone down and done something after 911, ofcourse. Ofcourse having a gun (which I plan on getting again) with me would be good too.

    1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


    • #17
      Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

      Originally posted by ssms5411 View Post
      Sorry to hear that Edgar good thing you didn't go knock on his door ,you would be dead too. Just watch your neighbor hood and the people in it. This time of year since close to X-MAS there will be alot of home invasions and car theft and burglary. Get extra locks for the front door and any patio doors. theres home security systems that you can buy on ebay for $130 will sound inside the home if a open door and also has motion sensors. Stay safe, I moved back to my old neighborhood and I already have someone taking pics of it and as I start to walk up they drive backwards down the street so it got so far I couldn't read the plates. 5 mins. later I had my pipping packed up in back and they try to roll up and take pics again of my car. So I'm going to have a motion/radar system hooked up to the alarm so they can't get too close before it pages me. So everyone this X-MAS double check everything and always be alert walking to your vehicle, have a pepper spray can 15% law enforcement if posible or sherated switch blade with you if possible. Good luck and be safe Edgar, you and your family. If you need anything about security or other things PM me. Steve
      I'm glad you mentioned alarm and such. There's one made by the clappers that will do the job.

      Yeah, planning on getting a gun now too.

      Your right about buglary going up during Christmas season. I just feel sad for the kids not having their father around during Christmas.

      1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


      • #18
        Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

        Originally posted by Mighty Thor View Post
        That's the CREEPY part. There was a strong dual inside of me when this was happening.

        But you know if I knew this was happening and with the knowledge that there were kids down there I would have gone down and done something after 911, ofcourse. Ofcourse having a gun (which I plan on getting again) with me would be good too.
        I know...Ive had that feeling to when somethings been wrong (nothing ever to this extent) its real creepy when you think about it.

        Sounds like he knew who killed him, I dont think a killing like that takes place at random...atleast not usually.

        2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
        1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

        Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


        • #19
          Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

          Last night I didn't sleep at all. Every little noise outside and inside had me on the edge.

          My heart was beating fast too and I was geared for a fight if those murderers decided to come to my house. I figure I'll attack them first before they attack me. I even plotted on how to do it. I would attack them by punching and kicking them on the throat and groin and once I got them I would throw them over the balcony. I figure all that weight training I've been doing and the speed I have for a guy like me that's 233lbs should do it.

          Yeah, this sort of thing played over and over in my mind. Because I wanted to make sure that I defend and protect my wife first.

          I went to my paren'ts this afternoon and slept there. Tonight I'll probably won't be sleeping much again. As soon as I find a place for the same price I'll move.

          1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


          • #20
            Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

            dont get too paranoid over this...just make sure everything is locked up and you maybe set something so you can hear someone gets in somewhere...keep a louisville slugger near by...remember, its your house...you know where everything is...there is about 40000 things you can use as a weapon...utilize some stealth and you can take em out before they know where you are

            2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
            1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

            Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


            • #21
              Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

              Wow, that is tragic. Do they have any idea of the motive?

              The reason why I ask is that this sounds very similar to something that happened when I was in 10th grade.

              I was living in Rome at the time. This is a map showing my high school (St. Stephen's School).


              If you look sort of above the school (right below the HUGE UN building) you can see some tennis/basketball courts. Right below the courts/next to the school is a white apartment building.

              So one day we saw our school security guard run to his car, grab a gun, and go running out the gate (was funny because he was a big guy, but he was a pu55y, such an Italian mama's boy). Then we saw cops all around the street/apartment building next door, and they had closed off the area. We had heard that an old lady jumped out the window, but that was completely false.

              Long story short, there was a guy that got murdered. He was found naked in his bed, strangled and stabbed repeatedly. The neighbors had heard noises/screaming, but didn't call the police. The reason is that "it was nothing out of the ordinary."

              The guy was a gay pedophile apparently. As far as I know (and I have checked occasionally) they haven't found the person that killed him. They suspect however that it was a boy who he molested, who grew up and decided to get revenge. It is disturbing to think that the neighbors were so used to hearing noises comparable to someone getting murdered that they thought nothing of it.

              I guess I'm just trying to say, don't think "what if...". You had your reasons for not calling the police. Good luck coping with everything. We're here if you want to talk!

              And if you are thinking about getting armed, might I suggest a Springfield XD? I know that you're a strong guy, but a nice xd45 could be the back up for the two guns that are attached to your body!
              2002 SOM Camaro- Sold
              2006 S60- Sold
              2000 Cherokee- The desert whip


              • #22
                Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

                Damn that sucks to be him and sucks to be that close to it but worry about yourself and your loved ones first. Home invasions seem to be an escalating problem here in central florida but it seems that for every 2 you hear about 1 of them the home owners are fighting back and winning. There were 2 not to long ago where the homeowners shot and killed the suspects. Police are a great assest and resource to have but they can't respond nearly as quick as you can with a weapon of your own.
                Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


                • #23
                  Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

                  Originally posted by Mighty Thor View Post
                  I'm glad you mentioned alarm and such. There's one made by the clappers that will do the job.

                  Yeah, planning on getting a gun now too.

                  Your right about buglary going up during Christmas season. I just feel sad for the kids not having their father around during Christmas.
                  i had a alarm I got on ebay that would just sound inside the house and would beep when doors or windows were opened with the alarm off, just to let you know someone opened something, was about $125, a gun is good I have them left around in different rooms of the house so just incase I'm in a different room, just make sure you get hollow points for home protection so they don't go through walls like FMJ(which are used for target practice). Its said about the kids I hope they were outside so they didn't see any of the beating/stabbing.
                  08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
                  96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine


                  • #24
                    Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder


                    I'm going to be attending his funeral this Tuesday.

                    So they caught the murderer on Thursday and it happened to be the girl's boyfriend. Go figure...the girl is only 15 and this guy is 21. This guy is butt ugly too and a gang member looks like.

                    Now here's the interesting part. It's only him and not 2 and the girl made the call at 5:37am. WEIRD!!!

                    If you re-read my post I said at 5:36am I didn't hear anymore noise. So that means this girl called after he was dead.

                    Now here's the weird part. Why didn't this daughter of his who I now know happens to be his step-daughter call for help before that like around 5:20am when I heard the noise at that time. PLUS...WHY DIDN'T SHE SCREAM FOR HELP when all this was taking place.

                    The deceased man's friend and myself are starting to suspect that she was involved in this in some way. We really do believe she let him while he was asleep because there were no signs of force entry.

                    The man was sleeping in the bedroom and not in the coach as we thought. So that means the girl was sleeping on the coach, because the manager said she saw blankets and pillow on the coach.

                    The deceased man's friend told me that his friend had a lot of money on the safe which they probably couldn't open or move. But it's inconclusive right now. So I can't say if this is the motive or so.

                    I mean S@#T!!! If this girl cared about his step-father she would have screamed out loud and called 911 right away. I would have heard that and I would have taken action.

                    I met her today when she was moving her stuff. She came up to my apartment and asked me not to tell any reporters about the funeral. I told her I've been avoiding them.

                    I also flat out told her that I heard noises down there and I thought it was her step-brother throwing a bad fit. I told her if I knew what was going on - I would have done something fast. I didn't get any respond from her. She seems cold. It's like whatever.

                    I'm very piss and so is the guy's friend. This man didn't deserve this. He was a good man who mind his own business and didn't bother anyone. He was trying his very best to raise his kids during his unemployment status.

                    Here's another video: http://www.ktla.com/videobeta/?watch...8-b364ca3d7ef1 You can see the Police Officers putting a tape around his '08 Mustang and my Firebird (covered). You'll also see my Fiero parked next to his apartment.

                    1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


                    • #25
                      Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

                      wow.... thats is horrible.... idk what to say to that...


                      • #26
                        Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

                        sounds like she had something to do with it...and wtf is a 15 year old dating a 21 year old for?...maybe that is one of the reasons...maybe he wasnt happy about that, let her know, and this is the result...sad non the less...I dont think you have much to worry about though...but I would be careful of what you say to that girl, and what you let her know.

                        I wonder how they found out it was the daugthers B.f? it almost sounds as if she let it happen, then called 911 after he was dead to make it look like "omg, someone broke in and killed my dad"...

                        Good to know they caught the bastard though.

                        2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                        1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                        Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                        • #27
                          Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

                          Originally posted by LETZRIDE View Post
                          sounds like she had something to do with it...and wtf is a 15 year old dating a 21 year old for?...maybe that is one of the reasons...maybe he wasnt happy about that, let her know, and this is the result...sad non the less...I dont think you have much to worry about though...but I would be careful of what you say to that girl, and what you let her know.

                          I wonder how they found out it was the daugthers B.f? it almost sounds as if she let it happen, then called 911 after he was dead to make it look like "omg, someone broke in and killed my dad"...

                          Good to know they caught the bastard though.
                          The Police was asking everyone related too and indirectly related to the deceased man. Even the deceased man's friend was a person of interest. The detectives asked him the same question over and over again to try and see if he was going to slip or change stories.

                          My side of the story along with the timeline was dead on correct when I told the officer about it.

                          There were a lot of Forensic people here too trying to gather as much evidence as possible. I'm sure this murderer left something that could be traced back to him.

                          That 15 yo. girl only moved in here a couple of months ago. SHe was a snob. I have a hunch that her mother asked the deceased man to take her in because she was hanging out with the wrong crowd. That's my take.

                          1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


                          • #28
                            Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

                            wow..thats really all i can say..if that girl is involved, which the way you make it sound, she is, then i hope the investigators get to the bottom of this and nab her.


                            • #29
                              Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

                              Originally posted by Mighty Thor View Post
                              The Police was asking everyone related too and indirectly related to the deceased man. Even the deceased man's friend was a person of interest. The detectives asked him the same question over and over again to try and see if he was going to slip or change stories.

                              My side of the story along with the timeline was dead on correct when I told the officer about it.

                              There were a lot of Forensic people here too trying to gather as much evidence as possible. I'm sure this murderer left something that could be traced back to him.

                              That 15 yo. girl only moved in here a couple of months ago. SHe was a snob. I have a hunch that her mother asked the deceased man to take her in because she was hanging out with the wrong crowd. That's my take.

                              Well I almost certainly gurantee she is involved...if she wasnt she would of told the cops when they showed up..."my boyfriend did it"...instead they had to search for evidence....sounds very fishy....

                              2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                              1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                              Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                              • #30
                                Re: @#%&!!!! I'm a witness to murder

                                Originally posted by stevethepirate View Post
                                And if you are thinking about getting armed, might I suggest a Springfield XD? I know that you're a strong guy, but a nice xd45 could be the back up for the two guns that are attached to your body!

                                Nice choice, my favorite:


                                Recommended by retired career Marine -XD45. "If it starts with a 4, it's OK" :)
                                Robert - owner www.FirebirdV6.com "Mid-life crisis? I'm way beyond that!"

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